Congratulations to Professor Robert Luo, whose research paper entitled 'Assessment of Re-identification Risks of Data Perturbation Methods Using Record Linkage' has been accepted in Journal of Database Management.
He has also been invited to serve on the review panel for the National Science Foundation's Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Program. Only about 10 scholars from MIS, Psychology, Computer Science and Sociology have been invited to serve on this expert panel for NSF. The event commences in NSF headquarters in Washington D.C. in the first week of April.
Additionally, Dr. Luo has been invited to serve as a Faculty Mentor at the Doctoral Consortium of 2014 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems which will be held in Chengdu, China this June. His role will be to provide comments and suggestions to doctoral candidates on their research and to participate in the expert panel discussions about advanced research avenues.