Thursday, January 23, 2014

Millennial News Consumption And Social Media

Student teams in Dr. Catherine Roster’s Marketing Research BBA class this fall semester 2013 conducted a semester-long project for the Albuquerque Journal to discover why, how, and through what social media platforms Millennials age 18 to 24 consume news. 
The students collected data through focus groups and campus surveys of UNM and CNM students. 

Findings reveal that 18 to 24 year olds are interested in news concerning world and local happenings that are relevant in their lives and enjoy sharing news with family and friends. Millennials want their news to follow them—rather than the other way around—and rely upon portable devices like smartphones and tablets to keep up-to-date with current events and topics.  Graduate students in Dr. Nick Flor’s spring semester 2014 class will use the data collected by Dr. Roster’s students to develop a tablet app for the Albuquerque Journal.

The students in Dr. Roster’s class presented their findings to Bill Lang, Albuquerque Journal Chief Executive Officer, Brian Fantl, Albuquerque Journal’s Chief Operating Officer, and the Journal’s management team in the Johnson Marketing Center on December, 16, 2013.