Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spring 2014 Public Speaking Workshop

Question: What is the #1 skill that employers look for when hiring?

Answer: Communication

UNM Anderson students seeking a BBA or MBA have the opportunity to attend a free workshop and receive one-on-one coaching throughout the semester.

Sarah Minnich, a Graduate Public Speaking instructor from the Department of Communication and Journalism, will facilitate a 2-hour introductory workshop and hold ongoing public speaking coaching throughout the semester for interested students. Note: interested students need not attend the workshop to receive individual and/or group coaching.

In the workshop, Miss Minnich will address strategies for audience analysis, opening and closing a presentation, delivery, content, visual aids, managing anxiety, and other important skill sets for business and professional speakers. The workshop and coaching sessions will enhance communication skills that will ultimately serve in improvement of delivery, professionalism, confidence, and group-speaking cohesion. This workshop is suggested for those looking to improve in your personal, interpersonal and group presentations for academic courses and job interviews.

The workshop will be held from 10:00am to 12:00pm on Wednesday, February 19th in ASM 1068. Snacks and ASM swags will be available to students who RSVP in advance. RSVP here. 

Although coaching is available to any Anderson student at any time during the semester, additional coaching flyers will be handed out at the end of the workshop.  For more information, faculty and students can contact Sarah via email at