Friday, September 27, 2013

Weston Smith Lecture October 7

Weston Smith
The Student Center for Public Trust presents Weston Smith, an outspoken advocate of ethics and integrity. 

Join Mr. Smith on Monday, October 7 for his lecture
"The HealthSouth Fraud: Rationalizations and Consequences".  His talk in the Jackson Student Center begins at 5 p.m. and is open to all UNM students and the public. 

Smith was once CFO of the Fortune 500 company HealthSouth Corporation, who over a dozen years became a Wall Street darling as it grew from one location to over 2000 in all 50 States. However, underneath the glimmering corporate office, the fleet of corporate jets, and “consistent” earnings reports, laid a multi-year multi-billion dollar financial statement fraud. Weston voluntarily came forward and exposed the fraud to the government, and accepted responsibility for his own actions.

Smith will share his story and discuss ethical dilemmas that students may face in their future careers, and how they can prepare for when situations arise.  He will challenge the students to build their foundation with a strong commitment to ethics and integrity. 

Don't miss this important discussion!