As part of Staff Appreciation Month, the popular Book Exchange will be held on Tuesday, July 8, from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on the south, north and main campuses, held at the SUB, Lobo Ballrooms A&B, or North Campus, Domenici West, room 2112. Staff members have the opportunity to take as many items as you would like from our collection.
Donations can be left at the front desk of Anderson School of Management, second floor, west wing, or at the following locations:
South Campus - SSSC Front Desk.
North Campus - Cancer Research Facility Front Desk, College of Pharmacy Front Desk, Multi-Disciplinary Research Facility Suite 208, UNMH Ortho 2ACC Front Office, BMSB Common Area and BMSB Room 335.
Main Campus - Zimmerman Library South Entrance, University Advisement & Enrichment Center Lobby.