Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Case Competition

A team of University of Eastern New Mexico University students took first place in the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative New Mexico Case Competition co-sponsored by University of New Mexico and New Mexico State University. The competition was hosted by the Anderson School of Management and NMSU’s College of Business.  Teams from UNM and NMSU competed along with students from New Mexico Highlands University, New Mexico Military Institute, and the winner, Eastern New Mexico State University.

The teams were challenged with a hypothetical situation that required them to come up with a response to the ethical dilemmas and prepare a presentation for a group of judges. The competition is aimed at cultivating more ethical behavior in business by working with students in New Mexico institutions of higher education.  It is funded through the Daniels Fund which seeks to promote higher ethical standards in young people and to improve principle-based ethics education. The fund is a private foundation established by cable television pioneer Bill Daniels.

Dr. Linda Ferrell, Professor of Marketing and Bill Daniels Professor of Business Ethics, said, “I have never seen students work as hard as they were facing the challenges laid out in this competition. After students presented, they were able to stay and watch the other teams present. The learning was not just from their own work, but from watching others and being debriefed by the judges and faculty advisors in attendance at the end of the competition. We’re collaboratively changing students' understanding of this complex area.”