Monday, November 4, 2013

A Message from Dean Brown

“Guanxi.”  That’s the word in Chinese pinyin to refer to having influence and connections.  Fortunately, MIS Professor Xin “Robert” Luo has guanxi in abundance and has opened doors for the Anderson School throughout leading Chinese universities.

Led by Robert’s efforts, a small contingent of Anderson faculty visited three Chinese universities last week and received strong interest in crafting various student exchange and degree programs.  Our strategy continues to target leading universities in China’s secondary cities, cities which are largely overlooked by elite U.S. universities.

Attracting students from abroad gives those students valuable exposure to the U.S., and many stay on to add talent to our local community.  Their presence also provides a degree of global exposure for New Mexico students.  Even better is when we can get our students to study abroad, an effort that often involves financial subsidies.